Monday, December 26, 2011

Pedaling Revolution

I recently acquired Pedaling Revolution by Jeff Mapes and it is a fantastic book. It's about the struggle of urban bicyclists and how cities are becoming more and more bike friendly. Mapes makes some great points and gives bike advocates a lot of arguments for making their cities more bike friendly. One of the best paragraphs is in the introduction where he says,
"The bike offers a non-polluting, non-congesting, physically active form of transportation in a country, and in a world, that increasingly seems to need such options. The heightened global competition for the world's oil supplies has ended the era of cheap fuel that made our automobile dependency possible. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyle raises the specter of an obesity epidemic that could shorten the life span of the next generation. And we're outstripping our ability to maintain and expand out network of roads and bridges."
He looks at both sides of the argument and admits sometimes bicycling doesn't work. I highly highly suggest getting a copy of this.

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