Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Bikes follow the same laws as cars and any other vehicle on the road. This works great to defend and protect bicyclists against cars but the flipside is that we must still obey all traffic laws. Because many drivers already dislike us, they will be looking for any reason to dislike us more so all we do by tailgating (when possible), running red lights, and generally driving unsafely is shoot ourselves and our cause in the foot by giving the other side reasons to shoot us down. If we follow the letter of the law and we get injured by a car, it will most likely be there fault so although you'll likely be very hurt, you won't then have legal trouble on top of that. In some jurisdictions, bikes have special laws so before you ride on the street (which you're legally supposed to do instead of  riding on the sidewalk) check your state and city's bike laws.

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